Our boards are thinner then normal alpine skis. For that reason you or your skiman have to take care when mounting your binding. In case you get your bindings mounted by a professional ski shop advise them to look on the instructions printed on your board and give them a printout of this page.
Standard drill bits for skis are made for 9.0 mm deep (special ones even deeper) holes. This is a little bit too much for our boards. Dont drill deeper then 8.5mm! There is a simple trick how to use a standard binding drill bit like that. You take a fitting washer and use it as drill stop.
Normally the screws of a binding are short enough so they can be used. Please verify this to be sure. They should not stick out more then 7.5mm. If they are longer take a file and ground them a little bit shorter. Ideally they should be at minimum 1mm shorter then the hole you drill, so the glue has some space to escape!
For sealing off the screws put a small drop of water resistant wood glue inside every hole. You can use epoxy as well, but dont expect to have fun when you ever need to remove the screw again!
Be careful and do not use too much glue, otherwise it will create a hydro lock (its not compressible inside the hole) and when you push in with the screw it can break trough on the base side. If you never did mount a binding by yourself, please go to a skiman and let him do the job.
On the internet you find ready to print drill templates for most bindings. These enable you to safely mark and drill the holes. Always verify your binding with your template before drilling! Not all of them are perfect and correct.
For those who can measure but dont want to drill. Some ski shops dont like to mount monoskis, because for them it is more work then just slap on the metal factory drill guides like they are using for alpine skis. But if you bring them the ski with the holes already marked its another story. And if the skiman still does not want to do it you are better to find another one, cause then he even cannot handle a drill...